Coloured Pencil, Pastel, or Ink?

Did you know I offer pet and wildlife portraits in three distinct media? Each option showcases your pet a little differently, so I thought I’d share some details about each one, so you can pick the perfect style for your pet!

Coloured Pencil

This is my most popular style, and is a great way to showcase your pet in full colour and stunning detail. My coloured pencil portraits are highly realistic and I strive to capture your pet as accurately as possible. These portraits work best with a crisp reference photo, and are available on white, tan or grey paper. Of my three media options, coloured pencil portraits offer the most realism and detail.


Pastel portraits offer a highly realistic depiction of your pet, with a softer look than coloured pencil portraits. Though still detailed and realistic, pastel portraits do not have the same crisp look as coloured pencil pieces. If you’re looking to have a portrait done that includes a background, this is the style for you! Pastel portraits work best with a background, either a solid colour or one made from your reference photo. 

Ink and Watercolour

This unique style is a perfect choice for those looking for a fun twist that still captures a realistic rendition of their pet. I create a detailed portrait of your pet in high quality ink, and then pour watercolour overtop for a splash of colour. Most often the colour I pick is based on the coat colour of the animal I’m drawing, but any colour can be used. These portraits are fantastic for those who like a more unusual, stylistic piece.

If you have any questions about the different styles I offer, please don’t hesitate to ask! 

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